
Crimson Bouquet

Dark red Grandiflora.

A vigorous Grandiflora exhibiting bright red blooms. Crimson Bouquet spirals open to reveal 4-inch bright blooms. Disease resistance, hardiness and 14- 18 inch stems make this rose a garden must. 25-30 petals

Dark red. Mild, sweet fragrance. 25 to 30 petals. Average diameter 4″. Large, very double, borne mostly solitary, in small clusters, high-centered bloom form. Continuous (perpetual) bloom throughout the season. Medium, long, pointed, ovoid buds.

Glossy, leathery foliage. 5 leaflets.

Height of 3′ to 4′ (90 to 135 cm). Width of 3′ (90 cm).

Hybridizer: Wilhelm Kordes III (b. 1953) (Germany, 1996)


Seed: Bad Fssing ® (floribunda, Kordes, 1980) x

Pollen: Ingrid Bergman ®

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