Truly reminiscent of the carefree days of Mardi Gras, this new Floribunda has a large cluster of flowers with bright yellow, orange and pink hues. As a strong repeat bloomer, with a good fragrance, Mardi Gras will likely become one of your garden favorites. In form, this rose would be excellent as either a specimen or a small hedge, and is very heat resistant.
Pink blend. Pink orange yellow blend upper; same reverse. Mild to strong, musk, sweet fragrance. 20 to 25 petals. Average diameter 4″. Medium, double (17-25 petals), borne mostly solitary, cluster-flowered, in small clusters, classic hybrid tea, high-centered bloom form. Continuous (perpetual) bloom throughout the season. Pointed, ovoid buds.
Medium, upright, well-branched. Large, semi-glossy, dark green, leathery foliage.
Height of up to 4′ (up to 120 cm). Width of up to 32″ (up to 80 cm).
Hybridizer: Dr. Keith W. Zary (UnitedStates, 2007)