Lavender, fuchsia / magenta center, lavender reverse. Strong, fruity, spice fragrance. 35 petals. Average diameter 3.75″. Full (26-40 petals), in large clusters bloom form.
Medium, bushy, rounded. Large, glossy, dark green foliage.
Height of 30″ to 4′ 11″ (75 to 150 cm).
Height of 30″ to 4′ 11″ (75 to 150 cm).
Can be used for garden. Disease susceptibility: disease resistant.
Named for the Dowager Countess of Grantham, Violet Crawley, this rose is the embodiment of the character from the PBS series, Downton Abbey. Wise and passionate, she is a witty spitfire to the core and has a likability about her that makes her one of the most memorable characters. The fragrance of sugary fruit with some spice for good measure.
Hybridizer: Christian Bédard (United States, 2016).
seed: |
Seedling |
pollen: |
Crystalline ™ (hybrid tea, Carruth 1987) × Perfume Perfection |