Watercolors Home Run

Yellow blend.
Registration name: Weksolcibarko
Exhibition name: Watercolors Home Run

Bred by Tom Carruth (United States, before 2012).
Introduced in United States by Spring Hill Nurseries in 2015 as ‘Watercolors Home Run’.
Light yellow, blush shading, ages to pink .  5 to 8 petals.  Average diameter 3″.  Medium, single (4-8 petals), in small clusters, cupped bloom form.  Prolific, blooms in flushes throughout the season.
Short, compact.
Height of 100′ to 130′ (3050 to 3960 cm).


[{ Zorina × [ R. soulieana × Europeana]} × Trumpeter] × {[ Playboy × Olympiad ™ (hybrid tea, McGredy 1972)] × Baby Love (miniature, Scrivens before 1991)}


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